Beta=lapachone - available and affordable


Beta lapachone is viewed as a promising anti cancer drug for cancer prevention and may improve the clinical outcome of patients with cancer.

Beta Lapachone, a compound found in the bark of the South American Pau D’Arco tree, is a potent activator of the NQ01 protein.  The pharma industry has turned its sights on Beta Lapachone as a potential treatment for a variety of cancers. Its benefits are based on being a potent activator of the NQ01 protein and produces ROS in cancer cells, but reduces ROS in non-cancer cells.  NQ01 influences the NAD/NADH ratio, now thought to be more important than merely raising NAD levels, which precursors NR and NMN are said to do (Sinclair and Guarente). 

BA paper in the journal PLOS one, published October 11, 2012 -Jeong-sook Lee et al, describes beta lapachone as a modulator of NAD metabolism, which prevented health declines in aged mice. It prevented age dependent decline of motor and cognitive function in aged mice. Mice fed the beta lapachonoe diet showed similar changes in gene expression to the calorie restriction group (fed 70% of control diet).  In addition, aging related markers in blood, such as increased glucose cholesterol and leptin associated with increased body fats were significantly lowered in the BL and CR groups.

Beta lapachone mimics the beneficial effects of calorie restriction on molecular, cellular and behavioral functions of aged mice. These results strongly support the NAD*/NADH theory of aging that the deregulation of the ratio leads to aging and age related abnormalities, and suggests that the dietary and medical administration of this NQ01 co-substrate (beta lapachone) could be a useful strategy for enhancing the quality of like in aging people.

In comparison  to CR (calorie restriction) mice fed beta lapachone showed a 17% increase in the mean survival period comnpared the control mice.  Whereas the CR group showed a 10% increase, suggesting that BL was more effective than CR in increasing survival rate.

In a May 2016 article published by the American Diabetes Association, Beta Lapachone prevents diet-induced obesity by increasing energy expenditure and stimulating the browning of white adipose tissue via down-regulation of miR-382 expression.


The following is a list of links to past and ongoing studies and clinical trials for beta-lapachone







